Monday 23 June 2008

Dungeon girl wants to see Robbie Williams

Now that Kerstin Fritzl has been reunited with her family after coming out of her coma, she has two wishes: she wants to go on her first boat ride, and attend a Robbie Williams pop concert.

Doctors in Austria revealed yesterday that the 19-year-old - the eldest child of an incestuous relationship between Austrian Josef Fritzl and the daughter he confined in a dungeon for 24 years - was making good progress and had enjoyed an emotional reunion with her family.

She had suffered multiple organ failure and had been kept in the coma for three weeks.

Kerstin awoke on May 15 and had been able to take her first steps, aided by her mother, in the ward where she was being treated.

After greeting her doctors with a quiet "hello", Kerstin confided that what she wanted most in the world was to go on a boat ride and let her hair down at a concert by British pop star Robbie Williams.

Since being in hospital, she has been treated for lung and kidney failure as well as infections. Doctors expect a full recovery as her immune system strengthens and she learns to integrate with her family in their new environment.

Doctors said Elisabeth Fritzl had provided enormous support to her daughter, visiting her regularly while she was in the coma and after she awoke.

"The mother was able to walk with Kerstin and the two of them [were] literally stepping forward into a new life," one said.

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